Monday, April 26, 2010

Friends: The One Where We Talk About Technical Support

Years ago, people would ask me "What kind of computer should I get?". Like any academic, I answered their question with another question: "What do your friends use?", because the technical support available from their friends is far more important and useful than anything the company could provide. They will give you more time, you know how to communicate with them, and they probably understand the context of your problems better than some person in a call center halfway across the country.

These days I have friends ask me "Nikon or Canon?", and I say "Nikon", because that's what I have.  When I take a hiking trip with my friends Sean and Mary, for example, Sean and I can share a $1400 lens (which we'd use maybe one week out of the year) by renting it ($74/week at If he'd gone with Canon, he couldn't.

Technical specs matter to a point. But once you reach "good enough", the support of the people around you will matter far more.

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